Tuesday, September 16, 2008

In Search of Jalapeno Jelly

Who would have ever thought? I had no desire to plant jalapenos, but somehow they appeared in my garden. What to do with them? My neighbor raved on and on about jalapeno jelly and how it was great with Ritz crackers and cream cheese. Hmmmm. I did an internet search for recipes. Got some ideas for ingredients and spent much of the day creating. It actually turned out very good! I made a grocery run to get some whole grain wheat crackers, and made the yummiest little tid bits. If you look very carefully in the photo above, you can see some pale champagne colored jelly on the cream cheese. I was pleasantly surprised and had a difficult time stopping at just eight of them. If you happen to stop by the ranch, please ask for a sample. You may even be able to sneak off with a tiny jar. I think this might be a limited edition jelly.


Sayyadina said...

And thanks for my limited edition jar! I look forward to springing it on Muad'Dib. I had fun today!

Canyonsrcool said...

It sounds good, but I'm not a spicy foods type person.

Bethany said...

Way to spice up your retirement life!